October 2017

Sales Compensation Planning for 2018

While most sales organizations are pushing hard to deliver the sales results for 2017, it is not too early to start planning and preparing your sales compensation plans for 2018. World class sales compensation programs are a result of well organized and executed plans that closely align to the annual business goals and sales strategies of the company. Those organizations that struggle every year to get the desired results from

social sales

Interested in learning how you can use social media channels to help you grow sales numbers? Our team has used some clever tools to identify 20 of the most shared posts relating to driving new business through social media and online channels. Check out this list and get in touch to learn more about ways the Sales Resource Group can offer you the resources to improve your sales processes. The

sales leadership

There’s so much clutter on the web it can be difficult to know where to go to find top articles and reports relating to sales leadership. Our team has used some clever social listening tools to identify 25 of the most shared posts relating to sales leadership. Check out this list and get in touch to learn more about ways the Sales Resource Group can offer you the resources to